IAICT 2023 will be held on hybrid conference (Bali and Virtual Conference).

The Hybrid Conference (Bali and Virtual Conference) is scheduled to be held on July 13-15, 2023. Hence, all presenters for virtual conference are required to prepare a Virtual Video Presentation and must follow the attached guidelines for the preparation of your video presentation.

All presenters for IAICT 2023 are required to follow the following guidelines for your Virtual Video Presentation.

  • You have to prepare a 10-minutes video presentation, make you present it to the camera OR your voice-over PowerPoint OR a combination of other creative presentation methods. You can also use several screens, one for PowerPoint presentations and smaller ones including you as a presenter.
  • The speaker represents one paper, has a total time of 15 minutes. 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of QnA.
  • The length of this video cannot be more than 10 minutes.
  • Video resolution must be high definition (720p or 1080p)
  • All information such as the title of your paper, author’s name, affiliation and your photo must appear on the first slide of your presentation.
  • Your presentation slides must be in PowerPoint or equivalent.
  • Please send your Virtual Video Presentation to
    • video link that can be downloaded and presentation slides with Subject: IAICT2023 Virtual Presentation – Paper ID XXX
  • All virtual video presentations will appear on our website at on July 16, 2023 for only two weeks.

TIP: You might find some useful tips at the following link.

  • To Give Effective Virtual Presentations presentations
    (written by Matt Abrahams)
  • How to create a voice-over narration for your PowerPoint Presentations
    (By Dawn Dubriel)

Virtual Conference

  1. The conference presentation will be scheduled and opened to all authors using Zoom Platform Meeting. The following link is the website to download the Zoom software ( The meeting link will be informed later to “author’s e-mail”.
  2. Virtual rooms can be accessed directly from Zoom Meetings website or you can first download Zoom Application to your device.
  3. Each virtual room have its own unique Meeting ID, Password and Link.
  4. To join the session through the web,
    • Insert the Meeting ID and press ‘enter’ from your keyboard
    • Insert the Password and click ‘OK’
    • Click ‘Join Meeting’
    • Otherwise, you can copy and paste the Meeting Link and press ‘enter’ from your keyboard
  5. To join the session through Zoom App,
    • Insert the Meeting ID and click ‘Join’
    • Insert the Password and click ‘Next’
    • Otherwise, you can copy and paste the Meeting Link and click ‘Join’
  6. Each session will be hosted by a Session Chair and assisted by a Session Vice-Chair.
  7. Session Chair will play all the recorded video of all presentations according to the schedule.
  8. Each presenter must be in the virtual room throughout the session. After your video has been aired, 3-5 minutes will be allocated for the Question & Answer session.
  9. There will be no parallel session and only one virtual rooms conducted during the conference.
  10. Each presenter must have completed and returned the biography form to the Session Chair before the session starts.

The DOs in the Virtual Conference

  • Do have proper equipment and the right technology.
  • Do test your microphone before you video call. Test it by video conferencing your colleague before the conference.
  • Do test your hardware and internet connection beforehand.
  • Do turn off all notifications and make sure your cell phone is on silent.
  • Do mute yourself when not talking.
  • Do stick to the time frames.
  • Do give your full attention to the participants as you would if you were in the same room.
  • Do give everyone a chance to participate.
  • Do wait for your turn to speak.
  • Do speak clearly, concisely and use good manners.
  • Do listen to attentively to everyone.
  • Do limit meeting distractions.
  • Do respect everyone‘s time.
  • Do be courteous to other participants
  • Do keep body movements minimal.
  • Do maintain eye contact by looking into the camera.
  • Do dress appropriately.
  • Do make sure your room is well lit (side lighting is the best).
  • Do set up a virtual background if you don’t have time to tidy up your space.
  • Do be careful about the documents or screens you’re sharing.
  • Do be aware of potential cultural differences. It’s important to be prepared for communication challenges that may arise as a result of language barriers or differences in etiquette.
  • Do be patient when things get complicated.
  • Do make sure password protection is enabled.
  • Do be yourself and have fun!

The DON’Ts in the Virtual Conference

  • Don’t wait until the session time to log in.
  • Don’t position your camera too low, too high. Weird camera angles can be very distracting and unflattering during video conference calls.
  • Don’t invite unnecessary people.
  • Don’t make distracting sounds.
  • Don’t interrupt other speakers.
  • Don’t multitask.
  • Don’t shout.
  • Don’t make distracting movements.
  • Don’t carry on side conversations.
  • Don’t talk over each other. Use the chat function to ask questions.
  • Don’t open the irrelevant programs.